Ostend Domain

Greg Treadwell, Charles Graves, Wolfgang Fahl

The Ostend Domain is a city council reserve in Ostend and home to the Waiheke Sports Club. In 1999 a bitter dispute erupted when the then Waiheke Community Board announced plans to move the sports club off the reserve. Club members objected strongly and a protracted legal battle ensued. The row involved claims of wahi tapu, supported by an archaeologist, and at one stage about 400 people, with the backing of then government minister Sandra Lee, marched on the council's service centre. Eventually the club, which sought a judicial review of the community board processes, won and the Ostend Domain is still the home to rugby league and netball on the island.

Over the road is the Waiheke Boating Club. To the north of the domain lies the Okahuiti Estuary.

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