Alison Park

Bruce DG, brent simpson, Greg Treadwell, Gary Wilton

Alison Park is a council reserve in Oneroa. It features several sculptures, included two council purchases from the biennial Sculpture on the Gulf, and a grove of olive trees.

Alison Reserve has been chosen as the main park on Waiheke for exotic trees(ie trees that are not native to New Zealand). As well as Olives you will find Macadamia, Macrocarpa, Australian Kauri and numerous fruit trees.

Like many Waiheke parks it's early life saw it used for tipping domestic rubbish. Remnants of which can still be found in the bush valley down the middle.

It was cleared of thick weeds in the late 1990's and if you look closely at the grass in parts, you can still see gorse and manuka growing less than one inch high.

Map location of Alison Park
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