The Woolworths supermarket is located at 102 Ostend Road, Ostend.
Phone: (09) 372 1040
Fax: (09) 372 1044
Trading Hours: Mon - Sun, 7am - 9pm
Woolworths (often shortened to 'Woolies') shares a building with Waiheke Placemakers and is by far the largest supermarket on the island. It belongs to the Woolworths New Zealand chain.
On Saturday 6 June 2009 part of the building caught fire and caused the closure of the supermarket due to fire and water damage.
Woolworths NZ for the first time offered Waiheke Islanders access to its internet shopping service, something which has been available to all other New Zealanders for many years. The temporary Waiheke service however is available for pick-ups only.
The supermarket re-opened on 19 June 2009 with a reduced floor area and slightly shorter opening times.
The internet shopping option was withdrawn.
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