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Hyperprolactinemia usually affects women of reproductive age. Predictors of mortality include early onset of severe symptoms, age greater than 45 years, unexplained bleeding, and an initial high viral load (greater than 10 million viral copies/mL <>0 × 10/L]). The infant mortality rate in the United States is nearly twice as high among blacks as whites. The distribution of a compound may be altered because of saturation of protein-binding sites. For example, a healthcare provider who understands the importance of community support in a Latino patient seeking healthcare can include a key community member (eg, a promotora or lay health worker) as an active member during treatment and posttreatment care. The gross and histologic appearances of ICD and ACD are often similar and may be difficult to distinguish. For example, drugs exhibiting a low molecular mass (Chapters 43 and 45, respectively. For drugs that increase the effect, the following transformation equation would be used: percent effectt = <>treatmentt –baseline)/baseline] × 100. A separate analysis reported a relative risk of 2.5 for those with a BMI of 30 kg/m or greater. A number of retrospective studies reporting variable rates of cross-reactivity relied on self-reported histories as confirmation of penicillin allergy. These highly sensitive methods have the capability to detect and quantitate minute amounts of target nucleic acid in a rapid manner. The expected duration of effects may be much greater than that observed with therapeutic doses because of continued absorption and impaired clearance. Increasing incidence of artemisinin-resistant and chloroquine-resistant malaria found in Western Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar appear to be a great threat to malaria control. The recommended dose of activated charcoal for a child (1-12 years old) is 25 to 50 g; for an adolescent or adult, the recommended dose is 25 to 100 g. Malaria is discussed in more detail in Chapter 115. Cryptosporidiosis treatment is limited at present. Excoriations may lead to secondary bacterial infections.