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For example, a recent meta-analysis of fMRI studies found evidence for diagnostic specificity for emotional processing in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. If muscle weakness persists or recurs, the dose can be repeated after 1 hour and again if needed. Adenoviruses can be grown in high titers and do not carry the risk of insertional mutagenesis. The duration of amiodarone therapy before the onset of symptoms has ranged from 4 weeks to 6 years. The discovery of genes that confer disease has led to an improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in disease pathophysiology. The principle of the measurement of the body box is Boyle's gas law (P1V1 = P2V2): a volume of gas in a closed system varies inversely with the pressure applied to it. HIT has garnered much attention. Often patients are noncompliant with regard to their drug dosage and therefore are not at steady state. In addition, if the patient completes the desensitization regimen and then undergoes full-dose treatment, a lapse between doses of as few as 24 hours can allow for reemergence of sensitivity. Heart failure is often overlooked as a disease state that can alter drug disposition. Although neonatal peripheral tissue compartments for gentamicin have been reported to closely resemble those of adults with similar renal function, gentamicin infrequently is nephrotoxic in infants. Both individuals and organizations demonstrate the capacity for providing a culturally competent environment.