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Not all MEs lead to serious consequences; however, preventing MEs at any point in the medication-use process has the potential to reduce harm (eg, ADEs). For this procedure, crystal violet is applied as the primary stain, with iodine added to enhance the staining process and to form a crystal violet–iodine complex. Which statement is true regarding the mental status examination (MSE)? These reactions may be evident as fixed drug eruptions; macropapular, morbilliform, or erythematous rashes; exfoliative dermatitis; photosensitivity reactions; or eczema. However, these studies provide the most controlled and objective measures of the efficacy of a treatment. There are four stages of NREM sleep. Glaucoma. Cytotoxic chemotherapy and radiation therapy are known to induce varying degrees of bone marrow suppression or failure. Several recent epidemics of pertussis remind us that, although vaccination is available, epidemics are still possible. Drug interactions involving induction of P-gp have the opposite effect in these organs and may decrease GI absorption of an orally administered drug, increase biliary secretion of the drug, or increase renal elimination of drug molecules. The patient is within 30% of his ideal body weight <IBWmale>= 50 + 2.3(72 in – 60) = 78 kg] and has stable renal function, so the Cockcroft-Gault CLcr estimation equation can be used: CLcr est = <>140 – 65 y)80 kg]/<>2(2.1 mg/dL)] = 40 mL/min (i.e. A subsequent meta-analysis showed dose-related increases in the risk for severe neutropenia with irinotecan with the UGT1A1 (TA)7TAA allele. If no reaction occurs after administration of the second dose, the patient may receive 81 mg of aspirin per day for cardioprotective therapy. Although commonly associated with end-stage cancer, the frequency of noncancer diagnoses among hospice patients more than doubled between 1998 and 2008. The prognosis of bleomycin lung toxicity has improved as a consequence of early detection, but the mortality rate is approximately 25%.